AuditCapital Audyt offers auditing of financial statements and other certifying services. An independent audit of financial statements contributes to increasing the trust of investors. Financial statements audited by Capital Audyt provide necessary knowledge concerning the financial standing of the Company, allowing for taking strategic business decisions. |
AccountingCapital Audyt provides services to entities from different sectors and with different legal forms. The Clients of our Accounting Bureau are both commercial companies and partnerships with foreign capital and sole proprietorships. |
AdvisoryCapital Audyt Sp. z o.o. provides professional advisory and tax services. We advise how to practically solve current and strategic tax issues – concerning inter alia VAT, transfer prices, restructuring, tax disputes and all other issues. Our experts advise companies how to go public. Thanks to cooperation with institutions from the capital market, we can offer professional assistance: adjusting to the current standards on the public market, transforming financial statements into the International Accounting Standards and help in drafting a prospect. (…) |
Training and coursesWe offer various training sessions, including but not limited to the International Financial Reporting Standards, Consolidation of Financial Statements – practical aspects, Cash Flow Statement – practical Excel workshops, Deferred Tax – practical examples, Financial Instruments in the Financial Statement (…) |